CuritibaBrazil154NomadAround HereOverviewGuideScoresPeoplesCost of Living WeatherCuisineReviewsNearSimilarImagesMust try ✨ChurrascoChurrasco Barbecue Brazil Rio Grande do Sul is a style of barbecue that originated in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.🍽️BarbecueRabanada Rabanada is a traditional Brazilian dessert made with slices of bread that are soaked in a mixture of milk and eggs, fried in butter, and served with a sweet syrup or honey.🍰DessertAlcatraAlcatra is a cut of beef from Brazil that is usually grilled or roasted over an open flame. It is widely popular in South America, and is usually served with rice and beans.🥩Meat CutCréme de papaya Créme de papaya is a Brazilian dessert made from mashed papaya, condensed milk, and cream. It is usually served chilled and garnished with cinnamon or coconut flakes.🍰DessertOriginal from Curitiba 🥇Carne de onça Carne de Onça is a traditional Brazilian appetizer from the city of Curitiba that consists of shredded beef, onions, and spices.🥟AppetizerJoin Nomad Life PlusUnlock All Content Forever!123 People joined so far today!👉 Join Nomad Life+ Now! 👈* 70% discount for a limited number of people.
ChurrascoChurrasco Barbecue Brazil Rio Grande do Sul is a style of barbecue that originated in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.🍽️Barbecue
Rabanada Rabanada is a traditional Brazilian dessert made with slices of bread that are soaked in a mixture of milk and eggs, fried in butter, and served with a sweet syrup or honey.🍰Dessert
AlcatraAlcatra is a cut of beef from Brazil that is usually grilled or roasted over an open flame. It is widely popular in South America, and is usually served with rice and beans.🥩Meat Cut
Créme de papaya Créme de papaya is a Brazilian dessert made from mashed papaya, condensed milk, and cream. It is usually served chilled and garnished with cinnamon or coconut flakes.🍰Dessert
Carne de onça Carne de Onça is a traditional Brazilian appetizer from the city of Curitiba that consists of shredded beef, onions, and spices.🥟Appetizer